When it comes to chose between cocaine energy drink and my favorite herbal ecstasy boosters it's not an easy decision to make. Usually when I go to some rave party I always bring with me herbal ecstasy. It creates more than enough buzz for one crazy night and it's all I need for a great rave party. My girlfriend however... she prefers cocaine energy drinks. As I said, it's a tough choice and strictly personal. Legal highs such as herbal ecstasy might not be as powerful as the cocaine drink, but at least they are legal and doesn't have any negative side effects.
Cocaine energy drink is a whole different story. As far as I know it's illegal and you can get busted on the street. That means a lot of troubles and some headache for you and your parents. I like to stay out of troubles so I avoid the cocaine energy drink like hell. Having a good time is one thing, going to jail... well... thanks but no thanks.
You know what people say: everything will be fine until you don't exaggerate. Furthermore I started my "make your own herbal ecstasy" experiment just yesterday and I'm happy to tell you that so far everything is going well. I'm definitely doing some progress, one little step at a time.
By the way as my English is not that great I was wondering what's the correct way to write herbal ecstasy? Is it "herbal ecstasy" or "herbal ecstacy". My English teacher at school wasn't sure about that. She said it should be much or less the same thing.