Nowadays it's possible to buy pretty much everything online. No matter of what you're looking for, you can purchase it in just a few clicks. Well, you need a credit card of course but I suppose that's not a big problem for most of us from the developed countries. Master Card or Visa... it's much or less the same thing. At least I don't find any big difference between these two.
Buying online is very easy and could safe a lot of time. Usually I don't have time to go out and purchase a CD from the local store so I just turn on my personal computer, go to Amazon and order it online. It couldn't be easier. Thanks god that Internet exists!
Of course you can buy many other interesting things online. Most of the times I use my credit card to buy music CDs, cool gadgets, books, etc. Even legal highs and ecstasy pills from time to time. There are so many different kinds of ecstasy pills that you can order online that you won't believe it. What I like most about online shopping is the fact that you can get some discount coupons and thus safe money.
Where I live, local stores rarely offer any discounts and sometimes the variety of products ain't that great either. Amazon is a whole different story. The wide range of products that you can buy is incredible. And everything is just a few clicks away from you. Amazing!